[ubuntu-us-in] 8.04 and Intel wireless issues. Ganging up.

Keith Karnafel keith at karnafel.com
Sun Mar 30 02:54:53 BST 2008

On 3/29/08, Robert Freeman-Day <presgas at gmail.com> wrote:
> I was getting the same thing with my in-laws WPA router (but am not
> visiting there now).  How do you feel about playing about with wep on
> your router and see how 8.04 flies, for thoroughness sake?

I'm working through the weekend but probably on Tuesday I can play around. I
know you probably looked into all these but which brand of router do you
use? Maybe you need to update the firmware. Is there anyone else near you on
the same channel? Maybe someone is bumping you off. Make sure to cut out any
source of interferance such as cordless phone, baby monitor, alarm system,
neighbors high output CB radio, etc. I assume the power source to the router
is clean. Have you checked the config file? I had one laptop with Fiesty
that kept placing duplicate entries so it would never connect until I
manually deleted the duplicate entries. Sometimes you have to play with
the router threshold, duplex, and the beacon interval. If you have the
beacon turned off some cards just wont connect for very long. Truthfully my
wireless cards have performed better in Ubuntu than with Windows except for
wireless N. Probably just wasted your time but my two cents.

- Keith
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