[ubuntu-us-in] TriLoCo-Midwest

Rob Ludwick rob at rcludw.no-ip.org
Wed Mar 5 06:51:38 GMT 2008

I had an idea I wanted to bounce off the group.

There's been a lot of talk about Indiana LinuxFest and generally there's
been a lot of interest, but not much has materialized.

I was thinking that maybe we should start small.  Say, for instance, it
was a barbecue.  We could invite the local groups for a Saturday
afternoon and get to know each other.

We could call it, "FREE BEER" -- a cause to which I would happily


On Tue, 2008-03-04 at 08:25 -0500, Michael Schultheiss wrote:
> As one of the newest approved LoCo teams and the newest
> approved LoCo team in the Midwest, the Indiana Ubuntu LoCo team has been
> invited to participate in the Tri-LoCo Midwest team
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TriLoCo-Midwest
> The Tri-Loco Midwest team exists to provide collaboration on current and
> upcoming events.  I think they can help provide guidance in our goal to
> host an Indiana LinuxFest.
> The Tri-LoCo Midwest team previously consisted of members from the Ohio,
> Michigan and Chicago LoCo teams (hense the Tri) - now we're the fourth
> member of the triad :)
> The Tri-LoCo Midwest team holds periodic IRC meetings and rotates the
> meetings through the member LoCo's IRC channels.  We've been asked to
> host the next meeting on Sunday, March 16, 2008 at 9:00 PM EDT in our
> channel.
> Hope to see you there!

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