[ubuntu-us-in] problems with ubuntu 8.04 on laptop

Nate Dobbs misconfiguration at gmail.com
Wed Jul 16 15:28:46 BST 2008


If you installed selinux I'm almost 100% certain that your SELinux policy is
denying sound to work. SELinux is a very wild cat that is hard to tame, it
was the only thing that made me sweat about the RHCE exam. The reason why it
takes so long to boot the machine after selinux is installed or enabled is
because the kernel needs to write the new selinux policy on all of the
inodes on disk.

I would either disable selinux or troubleshoot any AVG denials you're
getting, you may just need to change or reset SELinux conditions in order to
be functional again.

Good tools:

Selinux logs AVG denials to /var/log/messages

You may disable selinux in /etc/selinux/config

See here

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 1:22 AM, Jeremiah Dodds <jeremiah.dodds at gmail.com>

> On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 10:22 PM, justin sullivan <
> j.p.sullivan at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> hey all, ive been experiencing problems with my ubuntu 8.04 since
>> installation. ive used ubuntu since 7.04 and everything has been great until
>> i upgraded to hardy. Basically ive been having problems with window
>> resolution as well as login font. when i installed it on my laptop the
>> windows were so big that i couldnt see everything and so i pretty much
>> blindly installed it. after installation everything seemed fine, except for
>> the login name and password font. the font is like size 72 or something
>> huge, which i just decided to deal with bc everything that i found online to
>> fix the problem didnt work. for some reason i couldn't add dpi -92 to ...i
>> forget which document...so i gave up. the next thing, i installed SElinux
>> from the command line and it required me to restart my computer. upon
>> shutdown timidity i noticed took longer than usual to close down and upon
>> starting a new session i all of a sudden dont have sound! once again i tried
>> everything from forums to handbook to irc and no luck on how to fix either
>> problem. any suggestions anyone? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
>> ----------------------------------------
> What make and model laptop do you have?
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Nate Dobbs
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