[ubuntu-us-in] Panorama Picture

Brian Fahrlander wheeldweller at gmail.com
Sat Dec 27 02:46:11 GMT 2008

    OK, there's an idea that's been cooking for quite some time.

    I have a trailer; it's a custom-thing, I hope to live in it, as soon 
as I'm no longer my Mom's caregiver. Part of the fun of such a project 
is doing things your own way. See: http://Countermoon.org

    I needed to 'see' a way to make a control panel. Something beautiful 
and, above all, different. I found this:


    In particular the discussion about how to make panels.

    Well after a long, long time the 'stars have aligned' to give me 
many panoramic photos, and enough completion to install them. Now here's 
the question:

    I have a space 27" x  6.5", and I want to place holes and labels on 
it, matching the controls of the trailer. Now, _In_Linux_ how do I 
graphically go about this?  I'm sure a PDF will be required at some 
point, to take it to Kinko's or Office Depot, but my question is about 
the software...

    How would I do it best in Linux?

 Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
 Evansville, IN                                                         
 ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller

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