[ubuntu-us-in] Hardy Release Party - please RSVP!

Keith Karnafel keith at karnafel.com
Mon Apr 14 06:34:12 BST 2008

Brandon Kruger

>   So, if anyone can
> bring a 3G capable phone I can put my SIM card in and connect to my laptop
> (USB or bluetooth), I can provide decent speed 3G internet access for
> whoever
> needs it.
Cool, unfortuately I have verizon - no sim. I do have an LG Envy and
unlimited data plan (which is actually 5Gig, hardly unlimited.) Just found
out yesterday it has bluetooth DUN. And so should be possible, but I have to
sign up, arrgh, for an additional $15 a month to use it. It'll be fun to
tinker around to try to get it to work. I saw a couple of good how to's.
Good to leave technology aside for awhile and have fun but seems like a
release party should at least some sort of network.
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