[ubuntu-us-in] Hardy Release Party - please RSVP!
Keith Karnafel
keith at karnafel.com
Thu Apr 10 19:42:22 BST 2008
> Like, how would it work in the world with the welcome banners? :-)
> Simón
Like I said logistically/financially it wouldn't be feasible but I see
those silly rented giant yard signs for so and so's birthday, baby or what
ever. I wonder if anyone makes cheap reusable banners for the future release
parties. My actual point however isn't physical; it's the want to "yell out"
to everyone that there are good free alternatives to M$.
As far as signing up for activities. A web page that is a little less public
for the actual sign up then just a count or showing a person's handle and
what they are bringing on the wiki seems more appropriate to me. A simple
invite in email even would work for loco members. A simple page in html that
auto populates the wiki would be very easy to do for those of us not
comfortable editing the wiki by hand.
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