[ubuntu-us-in] RSVP for Gutsy Release Party
Jason Corfman
computers at corfyscorner.com
Sat Oct 20 02:00:06 BST 2007
I don't feel quite as bad now. I have been inadvertently referring to
"Gusty Gibbon" for quite a while now. I know it is "Gutsy", and I
usually write it correctly, but when I say it, it just comes out "Gusty
Gibbon". I guess after "Breezy Badger", it isn't that much of a stretch
to have wind associated with a non-flying mammal, but still...
Michael Schultheiss wrote:
> Michael Schultheiss wrote:
>> Please RSVP for tomorrow's Gutsy Release Party by adding yourself to
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianaTeam/GustyReleaseParty/AttendeeList
> Heh - apparently I can't spell. I don't know how to rename MoinMoin
> pages so we'll enjoy our Gusty Release Party, at least on the wiki ;)
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