[ubuntu-us-in] Gutsy Release Party

Michael Schultheiss schultmc at cinlug.org
Thu Oct 18 22:06:51 BST 2007

Jason Corfman wrote:
> What is the procedure for Saturday? Does Claddagh have any idea that we 
> are showing up? Should we tell them we are with the Ubuntu party, or is 
> there some other way to make sure we are all together? Or is it not that 
> formal? (I have never been to Claddagh... never even heard of it before 
> the last IRC meeting.)

I was going to call and let them know but was really busy at work today.
I'll try and call them tomorrow.  I'll be wearing an Indiana Ubuntu
Local Community shirt (www.cafepress.com/inloco)

If someone has a chance to call Claddagh before tomorrow, feel free.
I'd say letting them know a group of 20-25 people will be showing up
around 7:10 PM should cover most of the group from what I can estimate.

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