[ubuntu-us-in] Consulting franchise idea

Daniel Dunn dan.dunn.16.62 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 03:09:40 BST 2007

Sounded good till i read you were from Evansville...
then i thought to myself... DAMN there goes my market


On 10/6/07, Brian Fahrlander <brian at fahrlander.net> wrote:
>      Microsoft sees the marketplace for a limited-performance machine
> and a service. Just for email, document prep, browsing, media playing,
> the simple stuff; they call it WebTV. Linux can do SO much more than that.
>      So how about us?  Tonight I'm suggesting a "local expert' idea
> where each serves up to 1,000 residential PCs.
>      Here's the details:
>      $50 to start, several hours of training
>      $20/month for free tech support, by wire
>      $10/month for each home directory to be backed up, online
>      Every referral signed up provides a month's free service to the
> customer. Online tech support is free, on-site is $30/hour.
>      Since it's Linux, there won't be much to do (compared to Windows).
>      But here's the thing: each consultant grooms his own field of
> customers, and we all meet up at Canonical through a mailing list to
> trade ideas and discuss strategies. In this way, we can bring Linux to
> every corner of the world, even a low-tech, backward place like
> Evansville, Indiana. (Population 300,000.)
>      :)
>      Your thoughts?
> --
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
>   Evansville, IN                              http://Fahrlander.net/brian
>   ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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