[ubuntu-us-in] Notes from 2007-05-14 Indiana LoCo team meeting

Michael Schultheiss schultmc at cinlug.org
Tue May 15 03:46:37 BST 2007

The Indiana LoCo team [1] held its third monthly meeting in
#ubuntu-indiana on irc.freenode.net on 2007-05-14 at 8:00 PM EDT.  7
team members participated in the meeting.  

We discussed co-exhibiting with CINLUG at the Indianapolis ITEC
conference June 27 and 28, 2007.  Paid CINLUG members can get a
complimentary conference pass (a $200 value).  Contact Michael
Schultheiss for more information.

Also discussed were FreeGeek and Virtual Scavengers [2] - computer reuse
and recycling programs.  We can increase Ubuntu usage by working with
Virtual Scavengers to put Ubuntu on the computers they sell or give

If you're interested, a log [3] of the meeting is available.  The actual
meeting is at the top of the log.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the IndianaLoCo team meeting.
We're off to a great start!  See you online!

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianaTeam
[2] http://www.vscavengers.org
[3] http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/2007/05/15/%23ubuntu-indiana.html

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