[ubuntu-us-in] OpenOffice 2.2 a good upgrade in Feisty

Christopher Walker cewalker at uchicago.edu
Sat Apr 21 19:05:06 BST 2007

The inclusion of OpenOffice 2.2 in Feisty is really nice in that it 
supports the display rendering of Unicode Tibetan script.  Versions of 
OO previous to version 2.1 could not, so it's neat to see better 
internationalization support.

This really encourages me to use the OpenDocument Format for documents 
whenever possible, and even sending my colleagues OpenDocument files.  I 
recently read about version 1.0 of the MS funded ODF Add-in for MS Word 
being pretty solid (more so than Novell's similar add-in for OO) , and 
in my tests, it does seem to work well for opening and saving *.odt 
files in MS Word. Check it out at:


In Windows, for versions of MS Office previous to 2007, you need to 
additionally download the Office Compatibility Pack.  You also need to 
have the .NET framework 2.0 (ideally before installing MS Office).  
There is good documentation on site of the minor issues where the 
translation of ODF files and OpenXML is not exact.

I will be interested to see if editor revisions markup and other such 
collaborative tools are also translatable.

Chris W.

Michael Schultheiss wrote:

>Michael Schultheiss wrote:
>>I think so too.  Since we're a pretty geographically diverse group, I
>>wonder how we'd be able to get a group photo taken.
>Indianapolis *is* the Circle City.  It would be amazing if we could
>recreate the Ubuntu logo on the Circle downtown, but the logistics of
>doing so would be staggering.

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