Iowa LoCo - What's Next and My Project Ideas

Rempresent rempresent at
Wed Jan 27 13:48:53 GMT 2010

I am also in the DSM area (Newton).  I don't mind helping any way I can, I
am a graphic designer by trade.

-Nick Rempe

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 7:38 AM, Mike Moum <mike.moum at> wrote:

> How many of us are in the Des Moines area? I am.
> Mike
> Scott Shields wrote:
> > I figured I'd break the silence and address the mailing list directly
> > (since most of you don't seem to like lurking in our IRC channel).
> >
> > Currently we're looking for people near the Eastern Iowa Corridor
> > (that would be the area between Iowa City and Cedar Rapids). Others
> > may join us online via IRC and the like, but in-person activities such
> > as meetings and projects will really help get this LoCo team moving.
> > If you haven't done so already and you're interested in being an
> > active LoCo member, please register here
> > <>. Right now we're more of a
> > social group. In the future, we'll have member requirements and all of
> > that fancy stuff.
> >
> > You've already met our new, more vocal member Iowan (be forewarned,
> > we'll be using real names soon), but I'd like to put my ideas out
> > there too. First we need to get as many people together sometime and
> > figure out what everyone's strengths are. From there we can decide the
> > goals and future projects of our LoCo team. Listed below you'll find
> > my current ideas that I've been thinking of. Let me know what you
> > think and/or what suggestions you may have.
> > *
> > My Project Ideas
> > *
> >
> >     * *In Our Local Community* - How can we help educate our friends
> >       and family members about FOSS (and especially Ubuntu)
> >       alternatives? In the past, the "computer club" at Kirkwood has
> >       taken older computers from U of I Surplus, fixed them up, and
> >       resold them at cost to people. I believe it was somewhere around
> >       $100 and you could either get a Linux distro on it or payed a
> >       little extra for Windows XP.
> >     * *Kirkwood Community College* - I'd like to get a Linux User
> >       Group (LUG) up and running at the main campus (of course we
> >       won't ignore the Iowa City campus either). Then I'd like to
> >       promote the use of Open Source software in the labs and maybe
> >       classes. At least educate the students of the choices out there.
> >     * *KRUUFM* - I'd like to find out the status of this "subteam".
> >       Are they still active? What are they working on? How can we
> >       incorporate them into our LoCo?
> >     * *Ubuntu Global Jam (March 26th - 28th)* - This would be a great
> >       way to get inserted into the community. Basically a bunch of
> >       people, not matter what the skill level, to get together and
> >       help make Ubuntu better. I've talked to the Chicago LoCo Team
> >       about the possibility of joining them for this. Mark your calender!
> >
> --
> ------------
> Mike and Dede Moum
> Des Moines, Iowa
> Visit the Baha'i World at
> Visit the US Baha'i website at
> --
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