Fwd: [ale] LUG at GT Meeting - 2010.09.15 - Music Tagging

Collin Pruitt collin at collinp.com
Wed Sep 15 02:08:55 BST 2010

  This might be an event of interest to the Ubuntu GA LoCo community.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[ale] Fwd: LUG at GT Meeting - 2010.09.15 - Music Tagging
Date: 	Tue, 14 Sep 2010 20:37:32 -0400
From: 	Aaron Ruscetta <arxaaron at gmail.com>
Reply-To: 	Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - Yes! We run Linux! <ale at ale.org>
To: 	ALE <ale at ale.org>

This is apparently happening WEDNESDAY night,
though the body info says Sept. 14th and doesn't note
the day of the week. I know because I just wasted an
hour and a half finding that out. A little bit my bad since
I should have noticed the date in the subject line didn't
jive with the date in the notice.

The topic was actually of enough interest that it would
make me want to breach the anti-human Nazi gestapo
security nightmare that our publicly funded college
campuses have become.  It's not enough to make me
want to do it twice, though, so have fun if you breach
the walls tomorrow.

The real costs of allowing the gluttony of the wealthy
to create the cancer of poverty in human society are
beyond all calculation.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ryan Curtin<ryan at igglybob.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 1:47 PM
Subject: [LUG at GT] LUG at GT Meeting - 2010.09.15 - Music Tagging
To: lug-announce at lists.lugatgt.org, ale at ale.org

The Linux Users Group at Georgia Tech presents

"Music Tagging"
  by Ryan Curtin

Sep. 14th, 2010, 7:00 PM
Klaus Advanced Computing Building, room 2456


  Tagging music is for many a tedious task filled with repetition
(especially for Windows users). However, all sorts of more powerful and
capable open source music taggers are available. This presentation will
discuss the different types of tags present in audio files (ID3, APE,
and others), standardization of tags, the usage of powerful batch
tagging software such as Ex Falso, Easytag, eyeD3, and Picard, as well
as automatic tagging software which uses audio fingerprinting in
conjunction with online resources such as MusicBrainz. Additionally, a
quick overview of music similarity measures (which are used in things
like playlist generation) and their applications in open-source software
will be given.

Upcoming presentations and events:

  2010.09.18:  Installfest 45
  2010.09.22:  Basic CLI Usage
  2010.09.29:  Neat Tricks Roundtable

Hope to see you there!

Ryan Curtin       | "Excuse me.  I don't mean to impose, but I am the
ryan at igglybob.com | Ocean."  - Bobby
lug-announce mailing list
lug-announce at lists.lugatgt.org

Ale mailing list
Ale at ale.org

Collin Pruitt
Ubuntu Member

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