Changing ownership on floppy
Eric Weir
eeweir at
Thu Oct 2 21:46:52 BST 2008
I don't think this makes any difference, but I'm running Linux Mint,
which is an adaptation of Ubuntu. The version I have is built on Ubuntu
8.04. I right-clicked on the icon, thinking I'd get the option to mount
from the context menu, but didn't. So I went the command line route
using sudo.
Is it clear to you now -- what happened, and why I got the result I did?
Thanks very much, to you and to Kevin.
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
eeweir at
David Tomaschik wrote:
> I won't go into the single-user vs. multi-user issues here, at least not
> now.
> What I meant was something like this: 'sudo mount -o user=eric /dev/fd0
> /mount/floppy'.
> Also, if I recall correctly (no floppy drive on my laptop to test with),
> the gnome and KDE automounters should be able to mount a floppy without
> ANY line in fstab, just by clicking on the icon. (This is via pmount,
> if I recall)
> David
> Eric Weir wrote:
>> Thanks for the explanation, David. I've posted the fstab entry in my
>> response to Kevin. I'm not sure you mean by "mount it as root but pass
>> '-o user=YOURUSERNAME' as an option to mount," i.e., what the command
>> and syntax are. [I'll be checking while waiting for a
>> response.]
>> Yes, I understand that there are reasons why things are the way they
>> are, and that, as you say, often, maybe usually, the reasons are good
>> ones. Still -- keep in mind here that I'm only a mildly sophisticated
>> user, not a techie, let alone a software engineer -- I wonder if there
>> isn't a lot of stuff that's been legacied from UNIX from when it was
>> strictly a mainframe multiuser operating system that is problematic in
>> the PC environment, especially the home user PC environment. As I say, I
>> just wonder. I definitely don't know.
>> Sincerely,
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Eric Weir
>> Decatur, GA USA
>> eeweir at
>> David Tomaschik wrote:
>>> Sudo does give you root privileges. Most likely, in this case, even
>>> root can't change the ownership on the files on the floppy drive. And
>>> here's why: they're probably formatted as FAT-12 or some other FAT
>>> variant. FAT does not support POSIX ownership of files, so for POSIX
>>> purposes, it inherits a default owner for the entire filesystem. By
>>> default, that owner is root. If you have an entry in fstab for your
>>> floppy drive with the 'users' option, any user should be able to mount
>>> it. If you don't, mount it as root but pass '-o user=YOURUSERNAME' as
>>> an option to mount. This causes the drive to be mounted as the user you
>>> specify.
>>> I know some things in Linux seem different -- frustrating, even. But
>>> they're generally done in a way for a reason (even if it's a historical
>>> reason) and in many cases, the reason is good. :)
>>> --David
>>> Eric Weir wrote:
>>>> I have some old files on floppies that I want to copy to my hard disk. I
>>>> am able to mount the drive only with sudo on the terminal. After it's
>>>> mounted, ownership is root. When I try to change that by sudoing chown,
>>>> I am told "Operation not permitted." I thought sudo gave you root
>>>> privileges. Is there a way around this Catch-22?
>>>> At the risk of ticking off people who otherwise might be inclined to
>>>> help, I have to say that this is one of the things that's really
>>>> irritating about Linux, and that is driving me away from it. I have been
>>>> patiently -- well, honestly, sometimes pretty *impatiently* -- trying to
>>>> understand it, assuming that eventually things that used to mystify
>>>> would become intuitive.
>>>> I guess some have. Probably many have, given where I started. But over a
>>>> year into this and I can't even use my own frigging floppy drive without
>>>> asking for help? [I checked a couple books I have. I went to
>>>> for help with the commands. I posted on another forum.
>>>> Two hours have passed. Now I'm trying you guys.] I'm *tired* of this.
>>>> If you can forgive the rant, I'd appreciate any suggestions.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Eric Weir
>>>> Decatur, GA USA
>>>> eeweir at
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