Ubuntu Georgia LoCo InstallFest

Jon Reagan jreagan1990 at gmail.com
Thu May 1 00:19:09 BST 2008

Hello everyone!

The Ubuntu Georgia Local Community Team will be holding an Ubuntu
InstallFest for the latest release of Ubuntu, 8.04 LTS codename Hardy
Heron.   At this event, we will have:

* Installation Help
* Presentations
* A Representative from Fedora
* LiveCDs galore
* and -- Multiple distributions for you to enjoy!

This event will be held:

Saturday, May 17, 2008, 9-5pm

Emory School of Law, Room 5E, 1301 Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30322
See you all there, and bring your friends!


Jon Reagan
New User Team Lead
Ubuntu Georgia LoCo
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