[Fwd: [LUG at GT] Linux Installfest 36 - Saturday, Feb. 9th, 2008]

David Tomaschik ozone at webgroup.org
Mon Feb 4 22:00:41 GMT 2008


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[LUG at GT] Linux Installfest 36 - Saturday, Feb. 9th, 2008
Date: 	Mon, 4 Feb 2008 16:42:51 -0500
From: 	ryan at igglybob.com
To: 	lug-announce at lists.lugatgt.org, ale at ale.org

The Linux Users Group at Georgia Tech presents Installfest 36!

When:	Saturday, February 9th, 2008, 11:00am - 5:00pm

Where:	Skiles Building, Room 257

What:	The Linux Users Group at Georgia Tech will be sponsoring a Linux
	Installfest on Saturday, Feb. 9th.  You can get Linux
        questions answered, get Linux installed for free on a computer,
        troubleshoot Linux problems, and meet other local Linux users.
        Attendance is free, and refreshments will be provided.

URL:	http://www.lugatgt.org/events/installfests/36/

A map to find the Skiles building can be found at

For more information on what Linux is, how to prepare your system for an
Installfest, and more, visit the LUG at GT website:

Hope to see you there!

Ryan Curtin       | "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here!  This is the
ryan at igglybob.com | War Room!" - President Muffley
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