InstallFest Schedule

Jon Reagan jreagan1990 at
Tue Nov 6 16:58:25 GMT 2007


Welcome to the Ubuntu community!  I will answer your question as best I

A. You do not need to bring anything else, unless you plan using your
external hard drive (although you can format it as ext3 and Ubuntu will
be able to use it for storage)
B. I don't think we have anyone doing a virtualization presentation, but
there are several options, such as QEMU, VMware, and VirtualBox.  I am
sure there will be folks talking about it, and I will be able to help
with that as well.
C.  We have a lot of things that could be done.  A lot of the major
positions have been taken, but we always need more people to spread the
word about Ubuntu.  Things like the UbuntuBox and other projects help
bring more people to Ubuntu, so if you are interested, please either let
me know or any other member of the LoCo and we will help you get



On Tue, 2007-11-06 at 07:59 -0800, John Kingsley wrote:
> Hello all, 
> I am new to the Ga LoCo community because I recently moved up to
> Atlanta, I am excited to attend the event on Saturday and thought I
> ought to give some sort of RSVP and introduce myself so that I am not
> just showing up unannounced. I just graduated from college in may and
> now live and work in the norcross area. Now that the unexciting
> details are out of the way let me say that I am relatively new to
> Linux and Ubuntu in particular. I have been using linux off and on for
> 2 years now I only just recently took the plunge into Ubuntu and found
> that not only is the software easy to use and semi-intuitive, the user
> community is absolutely amazing. I have always considered myself
> relativly adept at windows and computers but when it came to Linux I
> was lost in a fog and that's how I stayed for quite sometime till I
> discovered Ubuntu and its user community. Now I feel that Linux is a
> viable desktop environment for everyday use and I plan on
> transitioning from windows to it.
> So.. that was long and I'm sorry. Now a few questions: 
> A. I plan on bringing my laptop to install GG; Is there anything else
> I ought to bring? I have no real peripherals I use other than a mouse
> and an external HD.
> B. Will there be some tutorial or some way I can get help with
> virtualization within Ubuntu? I still need windows for some things and
> will be dual booting but would love to switch to a more unified
> system.
> C. What can I do to help? I am planning on being active in this
> community and would like to give back in some small way because
> everyone in the greater Ubuntu community has been so helpful to me.
> I think that is all for now. I hope I haven't thoroughly bored you
> all. Thank you in advance for all the help and sage advise I will be
> receiving come Saturday and in the future.
> John E. Kingsley

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