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Team, <br>
I am not sure how many of you have already heard about this or have
already decided to participate (or not), but I wanted to let you
know about an opportunity to show your support for <br>
the Community Team as they have decided to do a 24 Hour On-line work
marathon that will be streamed live. As a bonus, they will be
raising money for some really worth while charities. Jono Bacon
published <a
blog article that <br>
describes what they are planning to do, and how you can check up on
them during the event October 4th, 2012. <br>
If you are inclined to donate (and no, I am not implying that you
have to) please visit <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://marathon.ubuntuonair.com/">http://marathon.ubuntuonair.com/</a> and pick one
(or more) of the horsemen. There are two Florida team members on
there, but <br>
all of these guys are great friends and deserve our support.<br>
Thanks for your time,<br>
Chris Crisafulli<br>
Ubuntu Florida Team<br>