My name is David Solomon and I'm a Business
Graduate student at Angelo<br>
State University in San Angelo, Texas. I was given your contact<br>
information from Mr. Brian Beck, an Instructional Technology<br>
Specialist at ASU. My team and I are conducting a survey of<br>
Information Technology professionals regarding their opinions on<br>
general topics of open source and proprietary software. I have taken<br>
the liberty of pasting the survey below:<br>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
If this survey seems like something individuals at your organization<br>
would be interested in taking; we would greatly appreciate their<br>
opinions. Also if you have any personal contacts or organization<br>
affiliations that would be interested as well, please feel free to<br>
forward the survey to them or post it on a discuss forum or community<br>
site. The more responses we receive the better.<br>
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.<br>
Thank you for your time and consideration.