[ubuntu-florida] 16.10 Release Party

Michael Hall mhall119 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 02:08:18 UTC 2016

Thanks Aaron,

I've tentatively said yes to the 5/6 or 12/13. I can probably do others
after that too, but I tend to not plan things out that far in advance :)

Michael Hall
mhall119 at gmail.com

On 09/12/2016 08:52 PM, Aaron Honeycutt wrote:
> Heyo all!
> We're currently planning a release party in the Orlando area (no set
> location yet)
> First we would like to get a set date that works for the most amount of
> people, also so we can get carpools together for people who are in South
> Florida (like me) who want to go but don't have a way to get up there. 
> We're using the cool service of doodle:
> http://doodle.com/poll/ehc86m4qm5d2dy96

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