[ubuntu-florida] UbuCon at FOSSETCON

Michael Hall mhall119 at ubuntu.com
Thu Sep 24 20:25:24 UTC 2015

Hey Florida LoCo (plus Jose)!

The organizers of FOSSETCON have given us a room again this year to host
an UbuCon! I need your help this year to get it organized, recruit
speakers to fill the schedule, and promote it to anybody who might be

I've created an event for it on the LoCo Team Portal[1] already, so if
you plan on attending please RSVP there so people can start to see. You
can also spread that link around anywhere you think you can find
interested people in the area.

I also have a Trello board[2] where I'm adding things to do for UbuCon s
well as the Ubuntu booth at FOSSETCON. If you let me know your Trello
username or email address, I will add you to the board.

Lastly, I would love it if we can all get together for a dinner one
night during that weekend. It's been too long since we've had a big LoCo
team gathering, and FOSSETCON is a great opportunity. So let us know
when you might be available and what you're up for.

[2] https://trello.com/b/jZLAeMLm/ubuntu-at-fossetcon

Michael Hall
mhall119 at ubuntu.com

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