[ubuntu-florida] LoCo News from LoCo Team Contacts (July 29)

Chris Crisafulli itnet7 at ubuntu.com
Fri Jul 30 06:06:02 BST 2010


Wanted to take a few moments to update all of you on a couple of
important items that were sent out to the Team-Contact list. I will send
out more pertinent info soon, as I am trying to get caught up with my
in-box ;-P


1. Ubuntu Global Jam Swiftly Approaching!

Who: The Entire Community, including you :-)
What: Ubuntu Global Jam
Where: As a team we can meet up in RL across the state, or We can
Collaborate online, The choice is ours.
When: August 27th-August 29th
Why: Participating in Global Jams allows us to work together and
collectively help Ubuntu improve real-time.

Some important links.... pertaining to the Global Jam....



2. The LoCo Directory (Jono's E-mail to LC)

Hi All,

Daniel and Co. have been doing some absolutely incredible work in the
LoCo Directory at http://loco.ubuntu.com/ and I feel we are getting to a
point now where we can really sheen the edges of the site and get it
really solid and complete.

I would like to start pointing new folks to loco.ubuntu.com when they
ask about LoCo Teams instead of pointing them to

As such, the front page of loco.ubuntu.com could really do with some
visually attractive and information rich content that outlines what the
LoCo Teams project is, what it does and how people join a team.

Laura has been doing an awesome job helping with this - can you you and
the rest of the council provide some content for Daniel to implement on
that front page?



Jono Bacon
Ubuntu Community Manager
www.ubuntu.com / www.jonobacon.org
www.identi.ca/jonobacon www.twitter.com/jonobacon


Thanks for your time!

Chris Crisafulli
Florida Team Contact 

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