[ubuntu-florida] augmenting Sep 22. meeting

Vikram Dhillon dhillonv10 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 04:36:44 BST 2009

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Hi all,
        This email would be a bit oriented towards people who were
present at the meeting today, but anyone can give feedback on this
message. Alright so first thanks for an awesome meeting, so in this
message I am not trying to be bossy, please don't get me wrong because
of the tone I use sometimes in my writing. I think its about time for me
to get started:

First I have the basic website that's going to be the base of this project:


I need your help itnet7 if you want to assign roles to different people
(ITS ONLY IF YOU WANT TO). We are going to be extensively using an
awesome tool called gooby (sudo apt-get install gooby). It lets people
chat and collaboratively edit text files, this makes it very easy for us
to stay on focus and get stuff done. I'll get more into using gooby as
time goes by but its pretty straight forward. After that's done you guys
can see a little calendar that I have on that website, it basically
tells where I think we should be heading. Of course, I am the youngest
member here so please feel free to make corrections to the mistakes I
make because I tend to make a lot of them :)

About our little meeting on Saturday, I think if everyone is comfortable
with gooby we can use it. I will follow up on this email almost
everyday, so people can tell me what they think. Please send your
feedback, if you guys think this is a good start...

- --

Vikram Dhillon
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