[ubuntu-florida] Ubuntu Global Jam - Orlando

Chris Crisafulli chris_c at linuxsouls.com
Thu Oct 1 05:04:53 BST 2009

On Wed, 2009-09-30 at 09:51 -0400, Nathan Crock wrote:
> Yo team,
> Ian Johnson (enjalot), and myself, Nathan Crock (jahocolips), would
> have loved to come down to Orlando from up here in Tallahassee and
> offer some helping hands! We're co-hosting a big event up here, and
> won't be able to make it however... But good luck, drink a bunch o'
> coffee, and we hope to come out and make the next one!
> Cheers from Tallahassee,
> Nathan Crock 

Great to hear from you all, We were at the Halls the other night and
Digital Divide came up! Hope all of you are doing well. Is there any
chance that any of you might be able to make Florida Linux Show on
October 24th? And if not the LoCo's Birthday Bash On November 7th @ the

Talk with you soon!

Chris Crisafulli
itnet7 / irc.freenode.net

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