[ubuntu-florida] Ubuntu User Days - Announcement and Call for Volunteers

Chris Johnston chris at chrisjohnston.org
Mon Dec 7 19:14:34 GMT 2009

Hey folks,

At the Ubuntu Developer Summit for Lucid a couple of weeks ago,  there
was a discussion for extending Ubuntu Open Week throughout the release
cycle by having a few smaller "days" in #ubuntu-classroom which were
devoted to certain things.

The idea for a Day that took shape was "Ubuntu User Day" where a
series of beginner-ish level sessions would take place. Our vision is
for this to happen on a Saturday and probably last 8-10 hours,
depending on how many folks we get volunteering to host sessions.

A wiki page is taking shape here:


We are pleased to announce the first User Day on January 23rd,
Saturday from 1200 UTC to 2200 UTC, which comes to 0700 EST to 1700

The proposed topics can be seen in the link above.  If anyone is
interested in leading sessions, please add your name, topic, and time
slot at the bottom of the above link.

Right now, we still need some volunteers, and I would like to see the
Florida LoCo represented. I'd like to re-emphasize that most of this
is going to be beginners friendly.

The concept of the Ubuntu User Days is to have a session similar to
the Ubuntu Open Week and Ubuntu Developer Week that is designed for
beginner and intermediate Ubuntu users.

Thanks for your help and hope to see you there.

Warm Regards
Chris Johnston
Ubuntu Community Learning Project
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