[ubuntu-florida] Newbees

dan dantrevino at gmail.com
Tue Apr 14 21:53:19 BST 2009

Richard, I also suggest you come out to the release party on April
25th, in St. Augustine if you can make it.  Jon (NTTP) or one of us
should be able to help you out.  Here is the address:

City Coffee Company
1280-A N. Ponce de Leon Blvd
Saint Augustine, FL 32084

Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Open Standards!
Sent from Gainesville, FL, United States

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Mike Feravolo
<321.784.5553 at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Hello:
> I have a neighbor that is a  Ham , maybe  he  knows about the "third
> party" programs that you want to run.
> Also in the Free Software World there are no "third party" applications,
> there is only the free software (a.k.a Open Source) community, which
> makes me think you are the Ham radio apps are Windows Software.
> Otherwise "third party" means software not in the Ubuntu Repositories as
> compiled code and you have to compile the source. That software would be
> source code or "tar balls". They are called "tar balls" because we use
> "tar" to compress then into achives, that are simular to zip files on
> windows.
> If you looking to run windows apps you need a program called "wine" for
> the older COM+ / DLL apps or "mono for the .net framework or new windows
> apps. Both can be a hassle to get to work, we don't bother with windows
> apps.
> If you what to join our Linux face book page and ask people questions
> there, we have a url for that:
> http://DoLinuxNow.com
> At last glance we have over 850 fans and several conversations going on
> Linux in general, we try to post something everyday or so that is of
> interest to the group also
> Mike Feravolo
> Cocoa Beach, FL
> --
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