[ubuntu-florida] Intrepid Ibex Release Parties/Install Fests

Dan Trevino dantrevino at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 18:27:58 BST 2008

Its time to start planning for the Intrepid Ibex release!

The beta release is coming up October 2, with final release scheduled for 28
days later [1].  We'd like to get out the word to as much of Florida as
possible within a couple of weeks of the release.  Everyone has a chance to
get involved if they'd like.  We have a lot of artwork that needs updating
[2].  We can schedule release parties, install fests, or other actvities.
We'd prefer to work with local LUGs if possible, but that is not a
requirement.  There are some nice new features [3], so please take a look
and add your activity to our project page, or just let me know, if you'd
like to get involved [4].

1. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule
2. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Marketing/Collateral
3. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex/TechnicalOverview
4. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Projects/IntrepidIbex

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