[ubuntu-florida] gutsy release party

Jimmy harris.jimmy at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 15:33:06 BST 2007

I assinged the project to myself to get it all going.

In our last meeting we discussed having a party either on the day of the  
release and/or on a weekend in a several places: Orlando, Gainesville and  
Brevard. Nothing real concrete came of it though except to create a poll  
for the party where and when on the forum.  This was to be done by me and  
bordy.  And it can still happen but I guess the mailing list could garner  
some attention.  The idea for the poll on the forum was to get others  
involved that do not attend meetings.

With that I propose the following:

* A party on the release day in either one place and/or mulitple places  
for those that can attend.
* A party on a weekend day in either one place and/or mulitple places for  
those that can attend.  Except for the weekend of the 20th, as our leader  
cannot make it.

Maybe the aforementioned could be added as a sticky to the forum for  
everybody to vote on. or I could make a discssion page for it off the  
projects page for the party.

Would everybody who is interested like to respond with their ideas?


On Wed, 03 Oct 2007 09:39:15 -0400, Dan Trevino <dantrevino at gmail.com>  

> re-read the irc logs from the meeting, and I didnt see any conclusive
> decision on when and where.  Release is in 15 days.
> Who's taking the lead on this?  pak33m?
> Is Orlando the place?
> Gainesville?
> Who is gonna be responsible for booking a location? Do we have a
> deadline for that?
> dan?

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