[ubuntu-florida] Added development related activities to ApprovalApplication

Elliot Murphy elliot at canonical.com
Sat Jun 16 06:27:07 BST 2007

Hi! I added a few development related activities to the FloridaTeam
Approval application on the wiki.

I don't know what normally goes on these applications, so feel free to
revert the stuff I added if it is not appropriate for the app. Hopefully
it will count for something.


If there is much interest in learning python programming, I'm
contemplating holding a 1-hour intro python programming class on
#ubuntu-florida next week, probably during a lunch hour. I was thinking
of doing an overview of some of the tools that you will need (editor,
ipython, debugger), a hello world program, watching that program run in
a debugger, and storing the program in version control.

Later classes we could go over how to write tests, how to write simple
GUI programs, etc. I think Bordy has an idea for a flickr tool he wants
to write.

Elliot Murphy | https://launchpad.net/~emurphy/

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