[ubuntu-florida] Testing fireGPG please decrypt and reply (is it possible w/o my key?)

Christopher Rohde christopher.rohde at gmail.com
Thu Jun 7 06:25:53 BST 2007

Hey eldo, thanks for the breakdown!

Luckily for me and Martin, I was bored during class and we sent emails back
and forth til we got it right. Couple that with the fact that I can finally
understand SSH and VNC and I have had a darn productive night (thanks statik

On 6/7/07, Eldo Varghese <poningru at ufl.edu> wrote:
> How GPG works on a basic level
> a person has a secret key and a public key
> the person passes out their public key to people physically, as in
> inorder to fully trust that the messages are from him  I have to meet
> bordy in real life and get him to say (this) my public key, otherwise
> any other source of the public key is suspect.
> now if I want to send a message to bordy that I only want him to read, I
> encrypt the message with bordy's public key, which allows only bordy's
> private key to decrypt, this is because public key and private key are
> created in such a way during key pair generation.
> so if bordy wants to send us all an encrypted message he has to encrypt
> one copy of the message with my public key then send it to me, encrypt
> another copy of the message with oh say Martin's public key then send it
> to him, etc.
> Most of you are probably thinking thats very tedious, well it just so
> happens that Thunderbird+enigmail solves this problem beautifully, just
> install thunderbird and then the enigmail extensions from the
> repositories. Create a new Key pair (or just have enigmail auto detect
> the existing key in .gpg) and then swap your public keys and start
> sending messages.
> this is just a basic explanation and I've not covered things like levels
> of trust, and sharing public key repositories with other people, and
> things like just making sure that the message is from a particular
> person (as in if I have bordy's public key he cans 'sign' a message with
> his private key, then send it to me,  and I can ensure that the message
> was not tampered with at all using his public key, keep in mind this
> gives no encryption protection simply assures me that the message I
> received was sent using bordy's private key.)
> Consult wikipedia or wiki.ubuntu.com for more info.
> or hit me up on irc for more info
> - Eldo
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Christopher Rohde
     w:   863-686-8900
     c:   863-885-1229
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