[ubuntu-florida] Meet-up in Jax on Feb. 11 at Fla. Linux Show (was Re: Meet-up in 2008!)

Dan Trevino dantrevino at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 15:02:53 GMT 2007

On Dec 4, 2007 9:34 PM, Gavin Baker <gavin at gavinbaker.com> wrote:
> Is there someone from the Jacksonville are who can volunteer to organize
> a meet-up? The main thing is to find a location & make reservations.
> Volunteers?
> What time should the meet-up be? The conference is 8 am to 5 pm on Feb.
> 11 (a Monday). People going to the conference: Are you staying in Jax on
> Sunday night, on Monday night, or neither?
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Projects/FloridaLinuxShow
> http://www.floridalinuxshow.com/

I'd prefer something on Sunday night.  I think something Monday night
would put me at missing 2 days of work or at least 1.5.  But I have
easy options, since I stay in GNV.  Those coming from south Florida
might have more at stake in picking a day.


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