[ubuntu-florida] only low video res available

Eric DeWees eddewees at comcast.net
Sun Aug 26 07:15:56 BST 2007

I am very new to Ubuntu (and like it!), but I need some assistance with
having higher video resolutions available. I found where to change the
video resolution, but the best resolution available is 800x600 and much
of what I look at is too large for the screen (the side scrolling is
well...making me unhappy). 

My thought was that I need to update the drivers for my video card
(Matrox MGA 2164W Millenium II AGP.  Monitor is a 17" Sony CRT. PC is
a... don't laugh...too much... Compaq 233 mhz), but from what I read on
the community hardware page, I should not need to update the default
drivers for this card. The available resolution is not working for me.

I will definitely appreciate any assistance.


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