[DC LoCo] "Is there anybody out there... out there?" -- The Wall (Pink Floyd)

jerry w jerrywone at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 06:44:48 UTC 2016

SCO == DarkSide

On Wed, Feb 24, 2016, 15:51 curtis schell <curtis.schell at gmail.com> wrote:

> Is this team still active? If it is I need some help/advice on running SCO
> FilePro on a linux box. any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
> On Sat, Dec 26, 2015 at 11:45 AM, Kevin Cole <dc.loco at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Long time no see (or do).
>> A recent request to join the mailing list has prompted me to see if
>> there's any life left here that's interested in doing stuff...
>> Of late I've tried to become a bit more active with the local
>> hackerspace HacDC, as well as the DC Raspberry Pi Meetup. I built a 3D
>> printer for Jeff, which I'm amazed actually functions. I was also
>> occasionally helping out at the MLK Python weekly intro, established
>> by the library's tech enthusiast and keeper of the MLK Fab Lab, Adam
>> Schaeffer, but quickly taken over and very well run by Rami Chowdhury.
>> So, if you don't know Python and want a very gentle introduction, pop
>> in on a Saturday afternoon at 2:00 in the MLK Dream Lab.
>> Upcoming fun: Tricking out a car with a Raspberry Pi touch-screen
>> "control panel".  The ACC has this old beat-up car that the curriculum
>> coordinator, maintainer of 3D printers and laser cutters, and car
>> enthusiast, Cassidy Nolen, wants to fancy up. (I keep hearing "Ride of
>> the Valkyries" and picturing Donald Sutherland -- or maybe it was
>> Bruce McGill -- with a wicked grin and a welding torch.  See:
>> Deathmobile.) I'm gaining a wee bit o' facility with PyQt / PySide,
>> and probably will look to Kivy for the project.
>> Whatcha-all up to, techie-wise these days?
>> --
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> --
> Curtis Schell
> B & C Enterprises, LLC
> --
> Ubuntu-us-dc mailing list
> Ubuntu-us-dc at lists.ubuntu.com
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