[DC LoCo] shopping for a good WAP

Chuck Glenn chuck.kv3g at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 20:18:18 UTC 2013

Since Fios's box only has WEP (not even WPA/1), I disabled their radio and
installed one of these:
TP-Link TL-WA500G 54Mbps eXtended Range Wireless Access Point

Some reviews on amazon complain abuot the setup, but I found it very
straightforward. It has performed flawlessly as an access point for the 5
months I've owned it. Note that it doesn't do "802.11n", only g/b/a.

Hope that helps!

-- Chuck

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Greg Reagle <reagle at cepr.net> wrote:

> Hello all.  I am looking for a good wireless access point (WAP) to replace
> the old wonky WAP currently in the office.  Any recommendations?  Here is a
> little bit of background that might be relevant.
> * This is for an office with about 20 computers (most of which use wired
> Ethernet).
> * There are lots of other wireless networks around (i.e. interference)
> * I intend to use it only in encrypted mode
> * I prefer the WAP to only do WAP, no routing, no NAT, no DHCP, and so on
> --
> Greg Reagle
> System & Network Administrator
> Center for Economic and Policy Research
> reagle at cepr.net
> http://www.cepr.net/
> --
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