[DC LoCo] [OT] A gcc Linker, wxWidgets and OpenGL Question

Michael Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 03:58:26 UTC 2012

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 9:00 PM, Aaron M. Ucko <ucko at debian.org> wrote:
> Michael Haney <thezorch at gmail.com> writes:
>> g++ src\StarSkimmer.o -lglu32 -lopengl32 -LD:\Dev\Apps\wxWidgets\lib
> [...]
>> -LD:\Dev\Apps\wxWidgets\lib -lwx_mswu_gl-2.8 -oStarSkimmer.exe
> Per Unix tradition, the GNU linker makes a single pass through the set
> of supplied libraries; unless the main StarSkimmer module directly calls
> any OpenGL or GLU functions, the linker will consequently disregard
> those libraries when it encounters them.  Please advise your friend to
> try listing -lwx_mswu_gl-2.8 before its dependencies.

He was able to fix the problem. It involved the order in which the
libraries were called.
He set it so the OpenGL library was called last and it worked. He got
a window with the OpenGL code running in it.

The reason he wanted to get wxWidgets working was because it was very
lite on system resources, unlike QT, GLUT was severely outdated, and
FreeGLUT lacked needed features.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney

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