[DC LoCo] Linux in a Windows-only helpdesk

sat jiwan ikle-khalsa satjiwan_khalsa at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 15 22:56:35 BST 2010

> Since I've got his ear on this, I was wondering if anyone else had
> insight into what else we could use Linux for at the helpdesk, or what
> I should focus on in my presentation.
maybe this is outside the scope of the helpdesk boss, but maybe he does or has influence with another in the procurement dept...
- but would showing him open office or suggesting using repurposed older computers help save money on software and hardware... without causing too many headaches about unfamiliarity with slightly different OS and software?

(i'm a newbie at this stuff - but it's based on an assumption that linux/ubuntu can be run with adequate performance on older machines both saving them from landfill or recycling and saving a lot for gov't/biz/non-profit budgets)

maybe this is just a seed to plant so he and others are thinking creatively about dumping MS when then next bad OS release hits.... or just next year's very lean IT budget.

re-reading your subject line, maybe this a moot point. but possibly still worth suggesting...

-sat jiwan

~ ~ ~ ~ please use my permanent email address: satjiwan at alumni.brandeis.edu ~ ~ ~ ~

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