[DC LoCo] RSVP: Saturday, Oct 23: Meet at Pentagon City Borders?

Keith Howell keith.c.howell at gmail.com
Wed Oct 20 11:45:21 BST 2010

On 10/19/2010 05:22 PM, Kevin Cole wrote:
> This is what I put up on the official site's list of venues earlier
> today.  Zoom in for detail or if you prefer, use the address, lat and
> long with your favorite on-line mapping service.  (Or wait for Keith's.)
> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/venues/254/detail/

Attached is my stylized map of the area.

Parking meters are available on the streets if you are lucky or there 
are parking garages above both malls. I have indicated the entrances on 
the map.

There are several other places to park, just be careful of the meters, 
some places have a central machine where you have to buy a ticket rather 
than the meter by the parking space.

If you look at google maps for the Borders, they place it in the wrong 
position. You enter the mall through either entrance from S. Hayes and 
the store is right there on your right/left, although the entrance is 
inside the mall.

Noodles and Company is a short walk through the Pentagon City Mall.

Don't worry if it is raining, you can get from Borders to the restaurant 
almost without going outdoors.

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