[DC LoCo] joint Debian/Ubuntu gathering Sat. Oct. 9, 4 pm at Taste of India

Kenneth Stailey kstailey at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 14 17:08:17 BST 2010

--- On Thu, 10/14/10, Kevin Cole <dc.loco at gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Kevin Cole <dc.loco at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [DC LoCo] joint Debian/Ubuntu gathering Sat. Oct. 9, 4 pm at Taste of India
> To: "Kenneth Stailey" <kstailey at yahoo.com>
> Cc: ubuntu-us-dc at lists.ubuntu.com
> Date: Thursday, October 14, 2010, 11:37 AM
> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 09:34,
> Kenneth Stailey <kstailey at yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Are these meetings announced on a public calendar
> anywhere or do the followers have to chase after E-mail
> threads?

> We do have a calendar, though the weekly meeting doesn't
> end up there
> usually.  Where, you ask, might this calendar be
> deeply hidden from
> view?  ;-) Top link in the left-hand menu of the home
> page "Events
> Calendar". http://dc.ubuntu-us.org/

So you use Google Calendar.

Does anyone know a decent Google Calendar app for Brew Mobile?  I am loath to give up my $40/month unlimited-data-and-1200-minutes phone plan and to jump to android with higher costs.

I do have one Google Calendar app for my phone but it's awful.

What I'd love is a way to glue Google Calendar -> Facebook events because my Facebook calendar is only a few taps away on Oprah Mini for Brew Mobile.

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