[DC LoCo] Fwd: Gearing up for FCC Accessibility Open Developer Day

Kevin Cole dc.loco at gmail.com
Fri Nov 5 19:01:46 GMT 2010

This just in. Begin forwarded message:

*From: *"AccessInfo" <AccessInfo at fcc.gov>
*Date: *November 5, 2010 1:06:23 PM EDT
*Subject: **Gearing up for Open Developer Day*

 Good Afternoon,

Here is more information about the upcoming "Open Developer Day" on Monday.
The Chairman's Accessibility and Innovation Initiative is trying new ways of
encouraging solutions via collaborative problem-solving.  This event will
bring web developers together from government, industry, and the public.  A
priority goal is to design a clearinghouse of information on accessible,
information and communication technologies. The new telecom access law
requires the Commission to build such a clearinghouse within a year. We also
hope the event will stimulate other ideas and components of innovation.

Below is the text of a blog post with more detail.  Note the options for
remote participation.

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