[DC LoCo] scratch now available in alpha version for linux

Phil Shapiro pshapiro at his.com
Thu Sep 10 14:27:52 BST 2009

  hi ubuntistas,

     scratch, the very cool and fun programming language for kids  
(from MIT), is now available in alpha version for linux.


      i asked mitchel resnick, the MIT professor in charge of scratch,  
if i could make a monetary donation to scratch that is directed  
specifically towards the linux version. he said that's totally  
possible. (see his email to me below.)

"Hi Phil. We're excited about the linux version too. It would  
definitely be helpful to get some donations to support our work on the  
linux version. We've set up a Scratch donations page:  

To target the donation specifically for development of the linux  
version, select "In honor of" and fill in "Linux Version." (These  
fields were intended, of course, for honoring specific people. But if  
someone writes in "Linux Version", we'll make sure the funds are  
applied specifically to that part of our work.)

Thanks again for spreading the word about Scratch (and the linux version)."

        i've made a donation and encourage other linux supporters to  
consider a donation, too.


Phil Shapiro  pshapiro at his.com

"Wisdom begins with wonder." - Socrates
"Learning happens thru gentleness."

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