[DC LoCo] Thrive DC to set up a computer classroom at HacDC

Kevin Cole kjcole at ubuntu.com
Tue Jul 7 17:24:07 BST 2009


First, to those of you who reply to me directly: Come on now, don't be shy.
Share with the rest of the class. ;-)  Try to remember to send messages to
the entire list (ubuntu-us-dc at lists.ubuntu.com).

Second: Several of you have expressed interest in helping out.  So far, you
know what I know.  I just fired of an e-mail to the director of Thrive DC,
and will let you know what I hear back.

I did hear back from Brian Best, at the church, since I mentioned FOSS in
my initial contact: He suggested I might be jumping the gun a bit, and
should perhaps hold off until the hardware is set up and working.  Party
pooper. ;-)  I wrote back letting him know a few of you had expressed
interest in helping with the hardware end of things.

 Kevin Cole                    |  Key ID: 0xE6F332C7   (GPG/PGP)
 Ubuntu Linux DC LoCo Team     |     WWW: http://dc.ubuntu-us.org/

           ". ! 1 |" -- Rene Magritte's computer

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