[DC LoCo] i'm blogging for PCRetro about tech access stuff

Jeremy C. jeremyc4 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 21:22:53 BST 2009

Looks good!

You should suggest to them to update their WordPress Settings so their
Permalinks have Google-friendly words in them instead of ?p=81


On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Phil Shapiro <pshapiro at his.com> wrote:

> hi ubuntu dc loco community,
>    this week i started blogging for PCRetro.com about technology
> access issues.
> although PCRetro is a for-profit company, i see them as one of the
> strongest forces for bridging the digital divide in the DC-area.
>      my first blog post is at
> http://www.pcretro.com/wordpress/?p=81
>       if you have ideas for what you'd like me to blog about, i'm all
> ears, too. my main interests are:
> computers in education
> getting computers into the hands of those who can't usually afford them
> free software
> free web services
> squeezing the most out of older hardware
> fostering greater computer independence for computer newbies (i.e.
> self reliance)
> computer use in the nonprofit sector
> digital storytelling
> FIRST Robotics
> what we need to do next to be building a more inclusive society
>    my undergrad degree is in philosophy, so i sometimes post "i've
> been wondering" kinds of posts, too.
>             phil
> --
> Phil Shapiro  pshapiro at his.com
> http://www.his.com/pshapiro/briefbio.html
> http://www.twitter.com/philshapiro
> http://www.his.com/pshapiro/stories.menu.html
> "Wisdom begins with wonder." - Socrates
> "Learning happens thru gentleness."
> --
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