[DC LoCo] Fwd: [SFD-discuss] Planet SFD - send us your blogs/newsfeeds!

Kevin Cole dc.loco at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 17:31:56 BST 2008

I'm not a blogger...  Those of you who are, may want to pay attention to
this, as there are Prizes.  Yea Prizes! ;-)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pia Waugh <greebo at pipka.org>
Date: Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 18:02
Subj: [SFD-discuss] Planet SFD - send us your blogs/newsfeeds!
To:   Open discussions about SFD <sfd-discuss at sf-day.org>

Hi all,

we've set up a planet (blog/news aggregator) for the Software Freedom Day
website. Please send us your blogs and rss/atom feeds so we can add you to
the planet if you are blogging about SFD, software freedom, open standards
and other related topics to our community :)


Currently we only have 3 of the SFI board members, but there are several
great posts from Fred about the packaging and sending of goodies to teams,
so check it out!


OLPC Australia                                           http://olpc.org.au/
Linux Australia                                         http://linux.org.au/
Open Source Industry Australia                           http://osia.net.au/
Software Freedom Day                          http://softwarefreedomday.org/

   "If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it
              would be a merrier world." - J. R. R. Tolkien
SFD-discuss mailing list
SFD-discuss at sf-day.org
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