[DC LoCo] Python classes at HacDC

Kevin Cole kjcole at ubuntu.com
Tue Jul 29 18:04:05 BST 2008

We just had an OLPC Learning Club Family Mesh Meetup three days ago, and 
there was some definite interest in learning Python.  I've CC'ed this to a 
few of the Pythonistas as well as a few of the movers and shakers in the 

For those of you joining our program already in progress, previously on 
HacDC...   ;-)

(See http://hacdc.org/ and http://wiki.hacdc.org/)

Andrew Q Righter wrote:

>      So I'm very excited about this, I got a lot of responses about 
> teachers as well as students. I have confirmed the first class for 
> *August 30th 2008 from 1:00PM-4:00PM* (with an hour overlap at the end 
> for Q&A / help, so the room is rented until 5:00PM) I will be posting it 
> up on the calendar in a second. I got a very good friend of mine, Rob, 
> to teach the class too. He's the one who taught me and a few others 
> where I work. I gave him a very detailed explanation of how the course 
> should be setup so I think everyone will be able to learn a little bit 
> in this class.
> Considering the amount of Python users and teachers, I REALLY want to 
> start something along this front to teach the local kids in the area. I 
> think this is an amazing idea. Anyone interested in doing so, please 
> shoot me an e-mail and we can def. get started on this. (Tino and Jon) - 
> Kevin C. maybe we can team up and get some kids in the area a few OLPC's 
> or setup the laptops we have with Ubuntu (might need power supplies) and 
> get them working on some fun Python projects - like the pygame Halloween 
> adventure we spoke about earlier. Coordinating something to this regard 
> would be great to do with the church although I'm not sure how they feel 
> about Halloween yet.
> Thoughts? :)
> These are the kinds of projects we should be doing.
> Cheers,
> On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Tino Dai wrote:
> I'm off for an evening soldering, and a message thread goes by. I
> have been thinking about teaching a course about Python since
> HacDC was formed. My main goal is eventually to move this to the
> kids in the neighborhood for them to learn a skill and perhaps
> even become the next generation of hackers (see Jens design
>  patterns for more information).
> Q: if you are not too busy with your preparations, give me a call so
> to see if we can collaborate on this.
> Alli: What would you be interested in learning about after the basics?
> Some examples are: Hardware interfacing, GUI design, Windoze
> programming...... Let me know. Some I know better than others.
> Also, we may want to include Tramm (a potential member of HacDC and
> a guy that I know from college) on this conversation. He is extremely
> knowledgable about programming languages and hardware. I don't know
> if he can be put on the list without being a paying member.
> I can defintely start preparing stuff now, but everything will
> probably start moving post wedding.
>     -Tino
>     ----- Original Message ----
>     From: Alli Rense 
>     To: HacDC Members Discussion List <members at hacdc.org
>     <mailto:members at hacdc.org>>
>     Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 5:59:06 PM
>     Subject: [HacDC:Members] Feeling Behind
>     Confession: Originally I became a part of the hacdc development as 
>     way to share Nick's hobby with him.  Since then, I've really begun
>     to enjoy the organization itself, and I would like to know more
>     about many of the things most of you all know about already.  I'd
>     like to get caught up a bit, I suppose.
>     So, if anyone would be willing to provide crash courses in, loan me
>     books on, or point out websites relating to the following areas, I'd
>     be super happy:
>     1. Programming:
>     CSS and XHTML aren't really programming languages.  I'd like to
>     learn the basics of programming so I could pick up a language and
>     figure it out.
>     2. Hardware:
>     I wouldn't even know where to start here.  Let's say this: I know
>     how to do basic replacments of parts in standard computers (hard
>     drives, laptop batteries, video cards, etc).  I'd like help making
>     some of the basic, basic projects from Katie's book that I'm
>     borrowing.
>     (http://www.makershed.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=9780596514372)
>     I realize this is asking a lot, so I offer the following skills in
>     return, if interested.  (If you're not interested but still willing
>     to teach me something, that's fine, too--or vice-versa!):
>     -how to knit
>     -how to embroider
>     -css/xhtml
>     -baking
>     Cheers,
>     -A
>     --
>     http://allirense.com/handmadewonderful
>     http://purpleoctopus.etsy.com
> -- 
> Andrew 'Q' Righter
> Founder of the Q labs
> Co-Founder of HacDC
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  Kevin Cole                    |  Key ID: 0xE6F332C7   (GPG/PGP)
  Ubuntu Linux DC LoCo Team     |     WWW: http://dc.ubuntu-us.org/

            ". ! 1 |" -- Rene Magritte's computer

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