[DC LoCo] As the new year begins, is there anything we can do about our website?

Riley hamilton riley.hamilton at gmail.com
Tue Dec 30 18:59:59 GMT 2008

I have not been keeping up but do they let us have admin access to
install software.  To Install drupal software is pretty
straightforward.  We don't need to compile anything.  I am not sure
about zope,  but I am sure it can't be much different. Even on most
low cost hosting services.  Do they provide some sort of cpanel or
shell account access?

On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Jeffrey Elkner <jeff at elkner.net> wrote:
> A compelling suggestion, Brian.  Is it possible to redirect dc.ubuntu-us.org to the wiki?  The important thing is that we find a solution soon that will enable us to support our work.  You are listed as the web site contact on the wiki.  I'm more than happy to defer to what you would like to do, particularly if you are offering to help with the upkeep of the site ;-)
> What does everyone else think?
> jeff
> On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 00:05:01 -0500, Brian Curtis <briancurtis.wx at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Do you think we can ignore all the hastle with the site
>>http://dc.ubuntu-us.org/ and just use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DCTeam for our
>>LoCo Team?
>>~Brian C.
>>Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
>>--Wernher Von Braun
>>"The second law of thermodynamics: If you think things are in a mess now,
>>On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 11:44 PM, Jeffrey Elkner <jeff at elkner.net> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Our website still has as its top "What's New?" entry a July 13th meeting at
>>> Taste of India.  Our inability to edit our site means we can't use the
>>> website to:
>>> * Link folks to RetroPC's latest $99 Ubuntu offering
>>> * Report on Kevin's Saturday classes at the Cleveland Park Library
>>> * Report on the successful completion of a training program the People's
>>> Media Center
>>> * Announce the LPIC class planned for the new Governor's Career and
>>> Technical Academy in Arlington
>>> * Plan meetings and events and provide a one stop location for DC
>>> Ubuntistas to keep up with what is going on
>>> Is there anything we can do about this?  Kevin, if you provide us all with
>>> an email address of a person we could contact, perhaps we could start an
>>> email writing campaign?  We ought to do something, as this situation is
>>> really holding us back.
>>> Happy New Year!
>>> jeff
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