[DC LoCo] pcs hardware, UBUNTU software & training

WBIX media training wbixclass at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 6 21:00:22 BST 2008

Hi to all
We at the Peoples MEDiA Center @ AlFishawy are ackeing to reopen the UBUNTU computer lab, the internet cafe and the computer/media training as PETWORTH kids have been knocking at the door!!!

   We have moved around a 10 pcs computer lab on which an older version of UBUNTU that Jeff has installed... We need someone to come over for a couple of hours this week (?Kevin?) and check-out the pcs and lead the effort. 
   Our dcradiocoop.org calendar on Mutualaid.org server needs fixing. 
   We need four 100MByte xfer switches to serve our various computer clusters around the place. 
   We also need more RAM & a few Pentium 4s for the audio lab pcs. 
   Finally, we need to support Jeff & Roxana's efforts in developing a 1 month pc literacy training curriculum.
HELP pleaaaase! call me Ryme 202-538-1331

Ryme Katkhouda
msg 202-452-5936  wbixclass at yahoo.com or voiceswithvision at gmail.com

founding director of the Peoples MEDIA Center, Washington DC, Make $$s by supporting us! Join http://www.mypowermall.com/Biz/Home/96184

co-founder of the dcradiocoop.org and wbix.org
Executive Producer of "Voices With Vision", Th 11am on WPFW.org 89.3FM in DC 
Senior Producer, news editor and trainer at Pacifica Radio Network 
Radio Training director at WPFW 89.3FM for 2 1/2 years
National Correspondent with Free Speech Radio News FSRN.org
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