[DC LoCo] Cleveland park library - next steps

Sanjay Jain oss.cleveland at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 4 15:18:50 BST 2007

Hi all, updates:

1) Phil dropped off a CD drive, we can now install Ubuntu, thanks Phil. I installed it on 1 machine and it was sloooow.  I've ordered some 256mb Ram sticks so that these PCs will function.

2) I've moved a LAN cable so that it's in "our" room.  Can some one provide a crimping tool (to put a RJ45 connector) or a  punch tool to connect to a jack?

3) Still looking for power strips and LAN cables!


Sanjay Jain <oss.cleveland at yahoo.com> wrote: Hi all,

We've arranged the space at Cleveland Park library.... the furniture is arranged, Phil has dropped off some Compaq ipaq computers... here's what we still need to do:

1) Figure out a way to install Ubuntu on the computers - I was not able to boot from USB (the bios allows it, but I've not been able to do it), the wubi-installer also didn't work (It wouldn't move past looking for a DC drive, or couldn't find the iso file on the HD).

Perhaps we can install from an external USB CD drive, does anyone have one lying around?

2) I need some help with wiring - we need to move a LAN cable from 1 room to another, this requires us to drill a small hole in a wall (suggested by the manager). I have a drill, does any one have a  6 to 8 inch masonry drill bit? and the tool to add the RJ45 connector to the LAN cable?

3) I have a 4 port router, some LAN cables and power strips would be appreciated.

Thanks &  regards

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