Andrew,<br>You'll find that most coffee shops will let you put printed material right on their counters or at the tables and whatnot if you just show up and ask... I say go for it!<br><br>Saxby's in windsor is usually really great about letting small-scale print stuff be in their store, and you could also try the Dazbog on US-34 in Loveland (across from that home depot).
<br><br>-David<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Nov 30, 2007 4:52 PM, Andrew <<a href=""></a>> wrote:<br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
Wasn't someone talking about an library outreach program awhile back?<br><br><br>We'll, FullCircle issue 7 has a great article about a library that switched.<br><br><br><br><br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br>it could help us have something to reference when we present to libraries and schools. <br><br><br><br><br><br>And I had a great idea on how to subtly promote Ubuntu.
<br><br>Just print out some FullCircle Magazine issues, staple them, and leave them in friendly places like Best Buy, libraries coffee shops, and whenever the team meets somewhere. My hope is that at least one person will pick one up and if nothing else read something that educates them or peaks their interest. My longterm hope is that over time it will interest some geeky people, or frustrated windows users.
<br><font color="#888888"><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>-Andrew<br>-keen101<br>
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