[CoLoCo] System76 Party This Saturday at 5 PM More Details (still time to RSVP if you haven't)

Emma Marshall emma at system76.com
Thu Nov 8 18:42:29 UTC 2018

*It's Almost Party Time!*

Hey Everyone! The party is coming up this Saturday at 5 pm. Just want to
share a few more details! And if you haven't RSVP'd, no problem! We'd
still love to see you!
 Our factory is located near Peoria Light Rail station, Lyft credits to
 the light rail station will be provided for guests leaving the party.
 Things to look forward to:
 * 5:00 Meet, Greet & Eat (Really that happens the whole time)
 * 6:00 Factory Tours begin
 * 7:15 Trivia in the Biergarten with Emma
Google Maps is a little confusing with directions, so I included a map
below. Map it if you prefer: https://goo.gl/maps/KtR6BChwKZN2

System76 | Emma Marshall *HAPPINESS MANAGER* EMMA at system76.com PH: 720-226-
9269 *|* F: 720.227.9825

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