[CoLoCo] Release Party This Friday at 6 at System76!

Emma Marshall emma at system76.com
Mon Oct 31 16:28:07 UTC 2016

It's almost time for the party! I hope you all can make it! We are
having a hearty BBQ Buffet and plenty of beverages. The innovative
Augemented Reality Sandbox will be setup and Geek Trivia will be
happening again this release! Bring your friends, family or anyone
you've met that's curious about Linux! 
When: Nov. 4th 6 p.m.

Where: System76 1600 Champa St. Suite 360, Denver CO 80202

Email Emma at System76.com if you have any questions.

Parking is available on street at parking meters or the parking garage
next to the Chili's at 16th and Champa.

Please RSVP by email with me :) Can't wait to see you all!


Here's my cell if you need anything! 720-364-5945

Emma Marshall
Consumer Account Manager
PH: 720.226.9269 EXT. 600 | F: 720.227.9825

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